Why some people find horror movies comforting

Horror movies are either a yes or a no for most people, there is no in between.

Naturally, we run from things that induce fear in us, however there is a large part of our population who thoroughly enjoy horror movies, and with so many being made yearly, there has to be a market for it.

For many, watching horror movies delivers that shock and creep factor which we can actually enjoy. Some enjoy it for its unrealism as they know it is not real anyway, which makes them enjoy it.

Here are some reasons why some people find horror movies comforting.

People like the feeling of being scared

When you see something threatening, you induce fear in yourself and your brain activates its fight or flight response. When this happens, your whole body may react such as your heart which may race or your muscles may tense up.

When you watch a horror movie, it may activate that fight or flight response and you can react physically and mentally to what you are seeing, which some people enjoy.

Horror movies can make you feel much more connected to those around you

Being in a state of fear with a significant other or a friend can help you bond as you are both experiencing fear and comforting each other through your presence and shared experiences. Fear arousing situations can also attract the two people closer together. For this reason, watching horror movies together can be very comforting and often a bonding experience.

These are some reasons why horror movies are comforting to some people.

They might enjoy the intense emotion and physical feeling that is felt during a fight or flight response to what they are seeing on the screen, and it also is a bonding experience between people to be scared together.

Abbey Labilliere
Abbey Labilliere
Abbey is an Entertainment Editor at the Lita Magazine. She was previously the Entertainment Editor at Yahoo Lifestyle Australia and has a strong interest in covering stories about culture and diversity. She likes late night TV shows and going for a walk with her dogs.

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